Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Mirror - May 9

Grandma caught Sadie admiring herself in the mirror. She was fascinated!

Grandma & Papa visit - May 9

Grandma & Papa were so excited to come and meet Sadie!

Happy Mother's Day - May 9

What a happy Mom!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Early Mother's Day with Nana - May 6

Sadie got dressed up for a Mother's day lunch with Nana. She enjoyed being held by Nana more than her photo shoot.

Cuddle time with Nana - May 3

Sadie enjoyed lots of cuddle time with Nana during her visit!

Sadie's First Bath - May 2

Sadie had her first bath! She wasn't real happy about it.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Family Picture - April 25th

Family of Four!!

Daddy and his Little Ladies - April 25th

Daddy is getting used to life with lots of ladies in the house ; )

Big Sister Little Sister - April 30th

It's great to have a sister!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

2 weeks old & Tummy Time 043010

Sadie went to the doctor today for her 2 week check up. She is almost back to her birth weight, so the doctor was happy.
She weighs 6 pounds 7 ounces and is 19 1/2 inches. 10th percentile for both height and weight - little peanut! She is very healthy and growing!
She is working hard at tummy time trying to strengthen her neck and lift her head.

Nana Visits - April 27

Nana has come from Maine to meet Sadie and help out Mommy!

Sponge bath - April 23

Sadie did not enjoy her sponge bath, but she did enjoy being snuggled up and warm in her carseat to go out.