Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Visit to Maine - Gerrie - June 14

After meeting all those new people, we drove up to Maine. We stopped on-route to visit with Gerrie. Sadie enjoyed the fresh air and a nap with Gerrie.

Visit to Mass. - Cousins - June 13

Nia and Sadie went to cousin Rob's house to visit with his kids (Nia & Sadie's 2nd cousins), Arianna, Dominic, and Anthony. How fun to have so many cousins running around!

Visit to Mass. - Great Grammie & Grandpa - June 13

Sadie had a nice visit meeting her Great Grammie & Grandpa. She enjoyed her nap with Great-Grammie.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Visit to Mass. - Sadie & Gail - June 12

Sadie's first visit was with Gail. She came to our hotel on the night we arrived for a visit.

Sadie's Trip out East - June 12

We packed up lots of things and Sadie took her first trip out to Massachusetts and Maine to meet lots of family and friends. Nana had come out to Minneapolis to help us out on the flight. That was a big help! Getting through security with 2 kids, 2 car seats, and the stroller wasn't fun, but we made it. And Sadie did very well on the airplane.

Video - Eyes Wide Open - June 6

Sadie is becoming more and more alert during the day and here she is enjoying some time with her Dad.

Play Time with Daddy & Nia - June 6

Sadie and her Big Sis - June 1

Sadie goes to the Zoo - May 30

As you can see, Sadie loved the Zoo ; )

1, 2, 3 Strikes You're Out - May 28

Sadie went to her first baseball game with the whole family at the new Twins outdoor stadium.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Play Time - May 24

Sadie is starting to look at her toys and tries to reach out for them.

Bath time - May 24

Bath time is cute time!

Sweet Pea - May 23

Bath time with Grandma - May 15

Sadie enjoyed a nice, luxurious bath care of Grandma. And she put on a cute outfit afterwards as well!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Double Bob Stroller - May 15th

We've got our new double Bob stroller all put together and we love taking walks with it!

Going for a walk with Liam - May 15

Today Sadie joined Liam Spaulding for a walk. Liam is just a few weeks older than Sadie.