Monday, September 27, 2010

Go Blue - September 18

We joined the Michigan Alumni group of Westchester to watch the football game this week. They agreed that Sadie was the right age to start cheering.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Central Park Zoo - September 15

We took a trip into Manhattan and went to the Central Park Zoo. We've got some work to do on being more organized and efficient ...we aren't in Minnesota anymore! But we had a great time looking at the sea lions and a polar bear!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sadie and Daddy - September 14

Saddie and Daddy just hanging out.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Irvington Park - Sept 14

Since we'll be living in Irvington, NY starting Oct 1st, we were excited to head over there and check it out and we found this great park! It is right on the Hudson river - very scenic.


Nia and Sadie live at the Plaza - September 13

We arrived safely, after 5 days of driving, in Stamford, CT. We are staying temporarily at the Stamford Plaza, so like Eloise, Nia and Sadie live at the (Stamford) Plaza


Monday, September 20, 2010

Video - Swimming WI Dells - September 10

Road trip to NY - Wisconsin Dells - September 10

We started our road trip cross country; driving from Minneapolis to NY (well, actually Stamford, CT where we'll be staying temporarily). Our first stop was in the Wisconsin Dells for some swimming. Sadie enjoyed being in the water and was good at kicking her little legs around.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Last Day in Minneapolis - September 9

The moving truck came yesterday. Last night we said "See you later" to lots of our Minneapolis friends. Today we said goodbye to our Kinderberry teachers and friends. Then we said goodbye to our house and headed off in our cars for our new adventure in New York!!

Video - Packing - September 5

Packing - September 5

Sadie has been supervising all the packing going on. Here she is amongst the boxes.

Video - Sadie (not) talking - August 29

Sadie is starting to vocalize, but she clams up in front of the camera. We'll keep trying to catch her, but she's looking super cute here. Disregard Mommy's antics trying to get Sadie to talk.

Packing - August 29

We've got lots of garbage from our packing and yard work ...including the kitchen sink (ok it's actually the bathroom sink, but I thought it was funny).

Grandma & Papa Visit - August 28

Grandma & Papa have also come to visit and they've been a big help with packing and yard work.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

We're Moving to NY! & Nana visits to help us pack - August

It's official - Daddy got a job offer from Pepsi Co in Purchase, NY and we'll be moving! Nana has come for a visit to help us get packed up. We've got lots to do, but we took a break to take Nana to one of our favorite places - the Original Pancake House (the place we were the morning before Sadie was born). The second picture is by the flowers that Nana spent a long time weeding out. They needed it!

Exersaucer - August 21

Sadie had her first experience in the Exersaucer. She loved all the activities and toys to grab, but it was pretty tiring, so she rested in her swing afterward. She loves burring her face in her blankie.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sadie is 4 months old - August 17

Sadie had a great check up at the doctor. She weighs 14 lbs 7 ounces and is 24 1/4 inches. 50th percentile for both height and weight. She is very playful and smiley - doctor said she is a real wiggle worm! She rolls from side to side and is starting to like sitting up while supported. She also loves standing and grabbing!

Sadie joins in the Yoga fun - August 19

Nia and Mommy work on 'downward facing dog', while Sadie works on 'up dog'. Everyone doing what is right for their body

Dance Party - August 15

Sadie joined in the dancing fun with Nia & Mommy.

Morning at the Park

Sadie had lots of fun playing at the park with her family!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Boppie play time - August 14

Sadie enjoys some play time in her Boppie pillow.