Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bronx Zoo - November 18

We met our friends Madeline (from Nia's nursery school - 3 years old) and Charlotte (18 months) at the zoo on a beautiful day. We had lots of fun playing by the tigers and, of course, on the carousel.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Halloween - October 31

Sadie was the cutest little Bee in Irvington and she had fun going trick or treating at a few neighbors houses the snow.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Halloween Storm - October 29

It snowed!! We had a big snow storm and we lost our power and everything. The snow was so wet and the leaves were still on the trees so lots of trees came down and knocked out our power.
We made the best of it and bundled up and played in the snow. Sadie enjoyed it for a few minutes, but she liked it better watching from inside.

Trick or Treat at Mommy's Work - October 25

Sadie came to Mommy's work this afternoon and went trick or treating. She was so cute in her bumble bee costume. She liked telling everyone she was a "B ...B ...B".

Making Pizza - October 22

Sadie is getting very good at making pizza - what fun for a toddler - lots of mixing textures and smells!


Go Bengals - October 16

Sadie put on her outfit to cheer on the Cincinnati Bengals.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Scarecrow Invasion - October 16

We took a nice walk up to Lyndhurst. Sadie fell asleep in the stroller and woke up at Scarecrow Invasion. She just kept saying 'dis', 'dis' (as in this this! and pointing to each scarecrow).

Build Your Own Scarecrow - October 15

Sadie had a great time as we built our own scarecrow in Irvington ...getting ready for Halloween. She liked stuffing the hay inside the clothes and coloring in the face.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Visit with the Andersons - October 9

While we were in PA, we stopped to visit with Jay, Kathy, Cora, and Will Anderson. Sadie had fun playing with all of their "big kid" toys.

Visit with the Agarwals - October 8

Laura and Sameer have moved back to the east coast and so we went down to visit with them in PA and to meet baby Anabella (Bella). Sadie was trying to teach Bella to do some new tricks.

Breakfast with Nia - October 5

Sadie likes to sit at the table now in her booster seat. Here she is really enjoying sitting with her big sister for breakfast.