Sunday, February 6, 2011

Video - She's off! - February 6

Sadie is crawling, crawling, crawling. It's tiring, but she's pretty serious about it.

Look at you go - Sadie crawls - February 5

Sadie is learning to crawl. Look at her go! She's into everything ...getting under the chair and going after Nia's toys. And she's so pleased with herself ; )


Camilla and Rose Fiodaliso come to play - January 29

The Fiordaliso girls came up from the city to visit us in Irvington. We had lots of fun playing in the backyard in all of the snow.

Video - Sadie is almost crawling - January 26

Sadie has done a little bit of crawling forward, but then she stops. She's getting so close!

Daddy's Birthday - January 19

We had a nice family dinner and celebration for Daddy's special day.

Sadie is 9 months old - January 17

Sadie is a very healthy and happy 9 month old! She weighs 17 pounds (25 percentile) and is 27 inches long (25th percentile). She didn't gain much weight between 6 and 9 months, but the doctor wasn't worried because she is clearly developing well and is very healthy. She's been sick, so that may have something to do with it.
Sadie loves peek-a-boo, she can get into a sitting position by herself, she eats Cheerios, she loves clapping, and is almost starting to crawl (she squirms all over the floor).

Sadie's Baptism - January 16

Sadie was baptized by Rev Mark Wilson at the Phippsburg Congregational Church, in Phippsburg, Maine on Sunday, January 16, 2011. It was a very special service, because she was baptized by the great-grandson of the minister that baptized her grandfather - a relative on the Stackpole/Wilson side. She was very well behaved during the service and she enjoyed some socializing at brunch afterward.

Visit to Maine - January 15

We went up to Maine for Sadie's baptism. Sadie had a great visit and enjoyed being the center of everyone's attention. Nana also brought out the 100 year old high chair for Sadie to sit in. They don't make 'em like they used to!