Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Mother's Day - May 8

Sadie fell asleep in her stroller after breakfast, before she got dressed.

Happy Mother's Day! We celebrated Mother's Day up in NH, where we were for Mim and Clark's anniversary party. We went to a great brunch with Nana, Grandfather, Auntie Lynne, and Uncle Mark.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Duck Derby - April 30

Today we went to the Duck Derby in Tarrytown! The race rubby duckies down a small river. Sadie also enjoyed watching some dancers and playing a drum.


Video - Sadie walking with her walker - April 26

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Video - Playing Ball and Walking on Knees - April 24

Watch how Sadie "walks" on her knees. We don't know anyone else who has done this, but it works well for Sadie!

Watching TV with Nia - April 23

Sadie is pretty excited now that she stands up and can look over the table to watch TV with Nia before bedtime.

To the Zoo - April 17

Feeding Time at the Zoo

On Sadie's actual birthday, we went to the Bronx zoo with Auntie Lynne, Nana, and Grandfather, who came down from Maine to celebrate.

Video - Eating Birthday Cake - April 16

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sadie's First Birthday Party - April 16

We had a great first birthday party for Sadie, with some neighbors, friends from NYC and a cake made and decorated by Mommy. Sadie opened some presents and enjoyed cake and ice cream with her friends. She was all partied out by the end!!

Videos - Birthday Celebration with Grandma & Papa - April 14

1st Birthday Celebration with Grandma & Papa - April 14

We had an early 1st Birthday Party celebration while Grandma and Papa were visiting. Grandma made one of Sadie's favorties - noodles with sauce! And Papa had the honor of giving Sadie her first ice cream. She wasn't too sure at first, because it was so cold, but she quickly decided that it was cold and delicious!

Decorating for the Party - April 14

We got out our birthday decorations and Sadie helped unpack the box.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sadie loves her Birthday Balloons - April 10

We're starting to get ready for Sadie's 1st Birthday and we bought some balloons for the party. She loves playing with them.


Video - Sadie takes lots of steps - April 10

Sadies loves using her walking toy to take lots of steps. Grandma and Papa are back visiting and Grandma is lots of help with Sadie's walker.


Video - Pulling up

Nothing is safe! Sadie pulls up and can reach lots of things these days!

Video - Funny Daddy - April 7

Casual breakfast - April 3

Breakfast was pretty casual this morning.