Sunday, July 24, 2011

Visit to Maine - July 14-18

We had a great vacation to Maine. We started our trip with a visit to Auntie Lynne and Uncle Mark's and went to an animal sanctuary. Sadie loved the animals! We spent lots of time swimming, had some time in the hammock, and (Mommy) enjoyed lobster dinner.

4 Generations - Visit with Great-Grammie - July 13

We're on our way up to Maine for a little R&R. Nana met us and we had a nice visit with Great-Grammie. Sadie had fun playing with all the stuffed animals and we're very happy to have this picture with 4 generations.

Sadie's new carseat - July 4

Sadie got a new carseat, so she'll be facing forward in the car now. She seems pretty excited about it.


Video - Sadie says hi to Alpaca at the Zoo - June 18

Also in this video is Charlotte, who is Sadie's age, and Jessica (Madeline and Charlotte's mom).

Zoo with Madeline and Charlotte - June 18

Sadie had fun at the zoo with Nia and friends Madeline and Charlotte. Sadie like the water animals the best. She also fed the goats in the petting zoo.

G-burg Friends Visit (cont) - June 11

We had a sleepover party! Sadie enjoyed playing with John (well, watching him roll around really). And how do you get the kids to sit still at the same time? TV of course ; ) Sunday morning we said good-bye and watched all our friends head home. We took a long nap in the afternoon!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Visit from Welch's, Fiordaliso's, and Spinners - June 11

We had a great visit with college friends and families - Tim, Christie, Drew (3), and John (8 mos.) Welch, Joe, Camilla (6), and Rose (3) Fiordaliso, and Dan, Byrne, and Everette (4 mos.). Sadie had a great time playing in the sandbox with her friends.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Video - Sadie get a ride from Big Sister - June 10

Fun on the riding toy!

Video - Jumping on cushions - June 8

This is a favorite pass time for both Nia and Sadie

Video - Sadie walks everywhere - June 5

Sadie walks and walks and walks now - she makes it look so easy.