Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekend with Nana & Grandfather - September 2

Mom and Dad went away for the weekend to Minneapolis for Sarah and Patrick's wedding. This was 2 nights away - for the first time. Nana and Grandfather came down and took good care of Sadie. She kept very busy riding all around the house, playing puppets, going for walks with Nana, and hanging out with Grandfather.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Narragansett, RI - August 23

We spent the rest of the week enjoying the beach and some relaxation. Sadie loved sitting in holes in the sand and playing with seaweed. Good beach fun! Toddlers sure can get sandy!

In the last picture here, that's Sadie in the hole and we didn't know those girls at the beach. Sadie just saw a hole in the sand and she walked over and sat herself down in it. The girls thought it was really funny that "the baby" was sitting in their hole! Everyone was laughing and Sadie just thought it was a great hole in the sand.

Video - Carousel - Newport, RI - August 21

Newport, RI - August 21

We took a morning trip to Newport, RI and went to the aquarium there and the park, both were right on the beach. It was beautiful. Sadie enjoyed story time at the aquarium. She joined right in and put the sea creatures on felt board. There was also a great carousel there, you could see water on all sides as you went around! Sadie had the biggest smile of anyone on the carousel - she loved it.

Narragansett, RI - August 20

We took a family vacation for the week to Narragansett, RI. Joe, Camilla, and Rose came up for the first weekend to join the fun. Sadie had a great time going to beach with her friends, but it was exhausting being the youngest.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Videos - July/August

Sadie in the Shelf

Sadie says Mommy