Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Easter & Grandma & Papa Visti - April 7

The Easter bunny left chocolate for breakfast - what a treat!
And Sadie had a great afternoon hunting for eggs that the Easter bunny hid outside.  She had fun afternoon with Grandma, Papa, Uncle Brett, and Ivana.

Daddy Runs the NYC Half Marathon - March 17

Daddy ran the NYC Half Marathon and we went into the city to try to find him running at the end of the race.  We saw a lot of runners, but we didn't see Daddy until after he was finished.  We had a nice breakfast with him after the race.  He ran his personal best time averaging 7:47minute miles!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Video - Happy Easter - April 7

It's Yummy!


Doing some Painting - March 19

One of Daddy's favorite sayings of Sadie's ...Where's Sadie?  Right there!

Nana & Grandfather Visit March 31 - April 6

Nana & Grandfather came down to visit and to help us out for a week.  Sadie had a great time playing and cooking.  Nana and Grandfather gave her a new baby doll for her birthday.  Grandfather also shared his Mickey Sorcerer's Apprentice with Sadie, which was a big hit!!


I'm a bit behind on posting videos.

Here's one from February of Sadie playing with Thomas and the train set.

and some dancing in March

Great Grammie's 90th Birthday

We went up to Massachusetts to celebrate Great Grammie's 90th Birthday.  Sadie had a great time visiting with family and eating sweet treats to celebrate!