Saturday, June 23, 2012

Slip n Slide - May 28

We got a hot day, so broke out the sprinkler and Slip n Slide to cool down.  Sadie wasn't too keen on the sprinkler, but did like the Slip n Slide as long as the water wasn't spraying on her.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Animals & Acrobats - May 26

We went, again this year, to Animals & Acrobats.  Sadie was memorized by both the acrobats and the animals.  She liked watching the aerial acts, and the kids circus (she liked trying to juggle), and she loved the petting zoo, especially the bunny and feeding the goat some grass.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

April Videos

Check out 2 videos from Sadie's birthday - she goes shopping with her new shopping cart, new toys in the cart, and new clothes on over her party dress.

Sadie goes shopping - April 14 2012

Sadie goes shopping 2 - April 14 2012

Also a silly video of Saddie playing dress up in her Daddy's underwear.  She did this all by herself...
 Sadie Plays Dress Up - April 29

Visit with the Michigan Team - April 21

We met the Mike & Hilary Kurhajetz and Sarah & Patrick Lyon at Sameer and Laura's house in PA.  Sadie had a great time playing with everyone, including Annabella Agarwal and walking around Philly.

Gymnastics - April 15

Sadie is currently taking a gymnastics class.  She's very strong and can hold the rings and swing all by herself.  She also learning to jump, with the help of the tumble track.

Sadie's Doctor Appointment

Sadie is a very healthy 2 year old.  She weighs 26 pounds and is 32 1/2 inches tall.  The doctor told us that her talking / speech skills were very advanced as well as getting herself dressed.  She's advanced, said the doctor ...but, of course, everyone reading this blog already knew that!

Sadie Turns Two - Apirl 13

Well, actually her birthday isn't until the 17th, but we celebrated on the weekend, a little early.  Sadie had a great day.  She started the day by making her own cupcakes with Mommy and Nia.  ...not sure how much actually made into the oven, but it was fun making them ; )

Sadie enjoyed opening presents with Grandma, Papa, Uncle Brett, Ivana, Mommy, Daddy, and Nia.  She modeled new clothes and took her new Minnie Mouse shopping in her new shopping cart with her new purse.

Then Sadie went outside and played in her new sandbox.

Sadie finished up the day by eating cupcakes.  It's good to be 2!