Saturday, October 6, 2012

Video - Broccoli and Pumpkins - September 29

We went apple picking, and Sadie was very interested in their garden and especially the broccoli. She also had fun looking at all the pumpkins.

Broccoli's mommy and daddy


Visit with Bella - September 21

Sameer, Laura, and Bella came up to visit us from Pennsylvania.  Sadie did a nice job sharing her toys, showing Bella around the park, and teaching Bella what life will be like in a year and half.  It was so great to see them!

Surprise! - September 7

We surprised Grandma in Michigan for her birthday party.  She was very surprised to see us there!  Sadie enjoyed the party, blowing candles with Grandma and eating chocolate cake with Papa.  She also enjoyed the Michigan football game the next day.