Thursday, December 27, 2012

Philadelphia - November 10

Grandma and Papa were in Philadelphia, so we went down to visit with them for the weekend.  Brett and Ivana came down too.  Sadie enjoyed a tour on a horse drawn carriage and the aquarium.  She especially liked getting her face painted like a sea monster!

Boston Children's Museum - November 2

We went up to Massachusetts and visited the Boston Children's Museum with Nana and Grandfather.  Somehow we didn't capture Nana in a picture, but she and Grandfather were both there to share in the fun and exploring with Sadie. Auntie Lynne and Uncle Mark also joined us for lunch, but no pictures of them either...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Pumpkin Carving - October 30

Due to the storm, trick or treating was cancelled : (  And we still had no power : (  But we still managed to carve a very nice jack-o-lantern.

Scooping Pumpkin Seeds

Super Storm Sandy - October 29

Super Storm Sandy came just before Halloween and knocked our power out for a week.  We were a lot luckier than some though, as we had no damage, only inconvenience.

Face Painting - October 28

Gearing up for Halloween, Nia and Sadie are practicing with the face paint.

And a video with Daddy
Painting Daddy's face

Halloween Celebration at Greenburgh Nature Center

Sadie dressed up in her Nice Blue Monster costume and had a great time celebrating Halloween at the Greenburgh Nature Center.