Sunday, February 17, 2013

Blizzard - February 9

We've got a lot of snow and the girls had a great time sledding and playing in it.

Blizzard 020813

Sadie takes her medicine - February 8

Sadie has an infection and has to take antibiotics for 10 days 2x a day.  Luckily, we've got a good team of helpers and she takes her medicine like a big girl.

Sadie takes her medicine 020813

Bounce - January 20, 2013

We've found a new place to play.  It's called Bounce.  The name says it all.

Video -Bounce 012013
Video -Bounce 2 012013

Happy Birthday Daddy - January 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Daddy!  Enjoy the brownies we made for you.

Arizona - The zoo, Children's Museum, and Swimming - December 30-January 3

Sadie had a very busy vacation in Arizona.  She went to the zoo, to the Children's Museum, and had a great time swimming in Grandma & Papa's pool.

Arizona - December 30

After Christmas, we took a trip out to Arizona to visit Grandma & Papa.  Sadie snuggled with Mazie, played the piano with Grandma, and really enjoyed her new rollerskates from Great Grandma Lee and Aunt Patty.

Sadie & Grandma play piano 123012

Christmas Continues - December 25

Christmas continued with Sadie opening lots of presents.  She love Bullseye, her new scissors, and of course, playing in boxes.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Christmas Morning - December 25

Santa came!  Merry Christmas!
Santa was very good to Sadie, bringing chocolate and goldfish and a big blue duckie - what more could you ask for?

Christmas - Videos - December 25

A Duck ..with polka dots

Dragon 122512

Buzz Lightyear and Woody

Name it Johnny 122512

Christmas Eve - December 24

It's almost Christmas!  After church and a delicious dinner cooked by Daddy, we all got to open 1 present.  All the girls got new pink footie jammies ; )  Sadie was so cozy in her new hoodie footie jammies.  She put out cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer and red The Night Before Christmas with Daddy.  And it even snowed a little bit!

Video Link Cookies for Santa 122412