Saturday, May 18, 2013

Happy Almost Birthday - April 16

Mommy, Daddy, Nia, and Cindy came to Sadie's classroom and brought cupcakes for her birthday.  We all sang Happy Birthday and she blew out the candles.
Almost 3!

Meeting Brandy and Lucas - April 13

We have new cousins - twins - Brandy and Lucas!  Sadie loved meeting the new babies.
She also loves riding on the luggage cart when we stay at the hotel.
We also had a nice visit with Great Grammie before heading back to NY.

Video - Happy Easter - March 30

Happy Easter 033013

Video - Sadie with Camilla, Rose, and Nia - March 23

Sadie Cause a Case of the Giggles with Camilla, Rose, and Nia 032313

Camilla and Rose Visit - March 23

Camilla and Rose came up for a visit and a sleepover.  There was lots of girlie giggling going on!

Video - Kilbury Rock Band - March 17

Featuring Nia on vocals and Sadie on vocals and guitar

Kilbury Rock Band

Boston - March 1

We went up to Massachusetts for the weekend and went into Boston to the Museum of Science.  Although we didn't get pictures of them (!), Sadie had a nice visit with Nana, Grandfather, Uncle Mark, and Auntie Lynne.

Visiting the Agarawals - February 28

Sadie had a great visit with Bella and the Agarwals in NJ.