Saturday, June 22, 2013

Nia's Preschool Graduation - June 4

Nia has graduated from preschool, and Sadie was there to cheer her on.

Ballet Showcase - June 1

Sadie did a beautiful job doing leaps at her ballet recital.

Video Links
Ballet Showcase 060113
Ballet Showcase (2) 060113

Slip n Slide - May 31

We got a hot day ...a good one to pull out the Slip n Slide.
Nia and Sadie, and our neighbor Une Ju, had a great time cooling off.

Reading with Grandma - May 25

Grandma and Papa came for a visit.  They spent a special day with Sadie and took her to soccer practice.  They were very impressed with her moves! 
Pictures from story time with Grandma.

Riding Bikes - May 5

Gorgeous day riding bikes and playing remote control car with Daddy at the Main Street School. 

Sadie's 3rd Birthday Videos - April 17

I'm Three


Happy 3rd Birthday Sadie - Apri 17

Happy Birthday to our three year old Sadie Lynne!  Sadie loved her new Toy Story presents, her new dragon puppet, and eating cake with the family.