Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Graduation from Good Shepherd Early Childhood Center - June 10

Sadie had her last day at nursery school at Good Shepherd today and her graduation.  We are going to miss Good Shepherd, Mrs. C and Mrs. Natarelli, but we had a great day to celebrate.  Summer vacation starts for Sadie!  Next stop ...kindergarten!

Tap Recital - May 19

Sadie took her first tap class this year and was so excited to perform in her recital on Mother's Day ...then she got sick.  She wasn't able to attend her recital, so she put on her costume and danced for us at home once she was feeling better.

Video - Tap Recital 051915

Rye Playland - May 17

Sadie enjoyed a sunny afternoon at Rye Playland.  She had a great time riding the rides with her best friends Hazel and Jordan.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

American Girl Doll - April 26

Nana and Grandfather have come to continue Sadie's celebration with a trip to NYC to the American Girl Doll Store.  Sadie picked out her doll, Kit, and enjoyed lunch in the cafe.

Sadie's Art Show - April 25

Sadie has worked on an Art installment at school ...studying lots of different artists and creating her own masterpieces.

Sadie's 5th Birthday at School - April 24

Mommy and Daddy brought cupcakes to Sadie's school to continue the birthday celebration.  Mommy also got to read a story to the group.

Video - Mom reads at GSECC 042415

Happy 5th Birthday Sadie - April 17

Sadie has started her birthday celebration off right with presents and a beautiful Care Bear Cake made by Cindy.
Happy 5 years!

Video - A New Scooter 041715

Video - Happy Birthday to You 041715

Monday, June 8, 2015

Video - Dance Dance Revolution - February

This is from February, but worth posting even though it's out of order.

Video - Dance Dance Revolution Feb2015

Sunday, June 7, 2015