Saturday, December 3, 2016

Happy Halloween - Oct 31

We've had a lot of Halloween celebrations
Sadie brought friends Hazel, Jordan, & Julia to mom's work for trick or treating
We went to a party at church
And of course Main Street trick or treating on Halloween

First Day of 1st Grade - September 6

Sadie starts 1st grade today!
Nia starts 3rd

Rock Climbing - August 26

Sadie did 2 weeks of Rock Climbing camp - and this has been a favorite this summer
They did indoor climbing at the gym and outdoor climbing too

Maine Vacation - August 13

Fun in Maine this summer
We got fancy and walked across the lawn to Chris's wedding

Swam in the pond

Made cupcakes

had tractor rides with Grandfather

Climbed on the rocks at Reid State Park

Lego Camp - August 12

Sadie did lots of different camps this year - swimming, circus, lego camp, Curious on Hudson, and gymnastics
Lego camp was a favorite, especially making things with motors!

Hershey Park - August 8

We had a great trip to Hershey Park this year!  Sadie thought the mirrors at the Laugh Trak line were pretty funny!

Circus Camp - July 29

2 weeks of Circus camp is a lot of fun!  Sadie's favorites were spinning plates, juggling, and trapeze!  Unfortunately, Sadie sprained her wrist in the second to last day (playing blob tag)

Friday, December 2, 2016

Fourth of July - July 4

Happy 4th of July ...from the pool

Week in Maine - July 1

Sadie spent the week in Maine with Nana and Grandfather.  She really enjoyed going to swim class at the Y.  She also got to spend some time at the barn at the end of the week

We also went to Heritage days in Bath and enjoyed the fair