Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sadie Rides a Bike - February 28

Today was a beautiful day - sunny and 50's, so we took out our bikes.  Sadie rides with no training wheels!
Check out the video

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Ski Plattekill Part 2 - February 20

Sadie has learned so much and advanced so much in her skiing this winter.  After her lesson this weekend, during which she went up the chairlift no problem, she came down a Blue Square trail!  Look at these beautiful turns



Legos - February 15

Sadie is getting very good a Legos.  She follows the instructions and put these together with very little help

Rock Climbing - Feb 14

Sadie hanging around doing some rock climbing at Chelsea Piers in Stamford

Ski Plattekill - January 24

Sadie mastered the Magic Carpet and beginner ski area during this ski trip and she went up the chair lift and skied down a green run!
Also had tons of fun with Camilla and Rose on our weekend ski trip





Happy Birthday Daddy - January 19

We made a special cake for Daddy's birthday - Pebble dash cake
Happy Birthday Daddy!

Christmas in Arizona - December 31

Santa came to Arizona too!
And we had a great visit with Grandma & Papa and trip to the zoo with cousin Abby

Friday, February 26, 2016

Merry Christmas - December 25



Santa was very good to us and it was great to spend Christmas with Nana, Grandfather, Auntie Lynne, and Uncle Mark

Christmas Eve - December 24

Sadie was an Angel this year at the Christmas Eve service.  After church, we opened 1 present.

Christmas is coming - December 20

We're starting to get ready for Christmas around here

Bubbles - December 5

We are so excited to have adopted Bubbles the hamster!

Over Thanksgiving, Sadie worked with Grandfather to build a beautiful bin cage for Bubbles.  It's just perfect.

Gazillion Bubbles - December 13

We took the train into the city and Sadie and Morgan went to see the Gazillion Bubbles show.  They loved it!

Sadie & Friends - November 22

Here's Sadie with Sophie & Hazel at a birthday party and with Hazel later at the park ...just having fun

Happy Halloween - Oct 31

Sadie has gotten lots of candy through lots of Halloween festivities - tricking at Mommy's work and meeting up with friends on Main Street in Irvington.  We also went to see the Blaze this year many Jack-o-Lanterns!