Sunday, January 22, 2017

Skiing at Plattekill - January 14

Sadie had a great weekend of skiing at our favorite spot in the Catskills - Plattekill mountain.  We rented a house with the Fiordaliso's and the Barnes' and all the kids:  Camilla (11) & Rose (9) Fiordaliso, and Samantha (9), Riley (8), and Cassidy (4) Barnes, and Nia (8) and Sadie (6)!
Sadie is very thoughtful and controlled in her skiing

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Happy New Year from Arizona - 2017!

We went out to Arizona for 2nd Christmas, New Year, and a great visit with the extended Kilbury & Gloden families

Sadie can swim across the whole pool now!

Santa came!

Maizy enjoyed ripping up the paper

Sadie wrote a book for Grandma and Papa

Tea party with Great Grammy Lee


Swimming after Christmas - Dec 26

Auntie Lynne and Uncle Mark stayed at the Sheraton and we went over to join them for a swim

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Merry Christmas - 2016

It was a very Merry Christmas in Irvington this year!

Sadie made a gingerbread house at the Main St School fundraiser

She helped decorate our very large tree!

Sadie was an Angel in the church pagaent

We opened a present on Christmas Eve - Shopkins!

Milk and brownies for Santa & blueberries and carrots for the reindeer

Daddy read The Night Before Christmas

Mommy read Elf on the Shelf

Video - Christmas Morning