Sadie is a very healthy and happy 6 month old baby. She weighs 16 pounds 2 ounces (50th percentile) and is 25 1/4 inches long (25-50th percentile).
She rolls and rolls and rolls! She prefers to be on her tummy now, so if you put her down on her back, she'll roll over quickly. She is starting to sit up with the support of her hands. She also laughs - loves it when Daddy plays peek-a-boo, Mommy tickles her on the changing table, and when Nia laughs with her. She is starting to babble (I think I've heard da-da) and coos a lot. She loves to be talked to and be part of the conversation. Another mother at Nia's pre-school commented that Sadie was participating in our conversation with her eyes and looked just like she was following our conversation and chatting with us! She also loves her feet - no toys needed, just feet.
She doesn't seem to love eating solid food just yet, so Mommy is still working on that.
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