Monday, August 22, 2011

Sadie is 15 months old - July 17

Eating some birthday cake at Nia's 3rd birthday party (above)

Sadie turned 15 months old while we were in Maine. She had her visit with the doctor when we got back. She weighs 20 pounds 3 ounces and is 29 1/2 inches long. Growing growing growing! She is very healthy! She is saying many things these days including a very clear Mommy and Daddy - emphasis on the "y" - like Mom ME and Dad DEE. She also says Owie, ducky, and quack. She also has strong opinions on her favorite toys and what she wants to play with. She loves to put things in baskets and carry them around. She is a great helper, as you can see by the pictures of her helping her Mommy unload the dishwasher.

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